Friday, 14 September 2012

Kyd - Roxburgh - Indian Botanic Garden - BSI

 (KYD Monument by Roxburgh, 1795)

Tuesday, the 17th July 2012, i was on a time machine and travelled to the days of Colonel Robert Kyd, the founder of “Indian Botanic Garden”, ...and to the days of....
 (Roxburgh Monument)
........ William Roxburgh, “The Father of Indian Botany” who authored “PLANTS of The COAST of COROMANDEL” in the year 1795.

Well, i won’t take much of your time, please go through the following links for very useful and interesting readings -

 (Roxburgh House, 1795)
This was the second time i ever visited the garden, that came under the supervision of BSI  since the 1st January, 1963. The garden is about 40 km South-East to my home and i knew nothing about it even when i visited it, for the first time, on the 25th December, 2010.
We were taught a line or two on ‘Linnean Taxonomy’ in schools and colleges, we found the names of taxonomists in our text books and we skipped the chapters because it was not in our syllabus! We memorized a few lines from our text books in order to regurgitate the same on exam papers and to be completely forgotten those as soon as the exam was over! No link to our history, no link to our civilization, no link to our social responsibilities, just get a degree to grab a job that pays fat salary so that you forget everything!

Raju Sir, Thank you very much... now i feel that i may become human again, not merely a money earning robot.
Surajit Koley

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