Friday, 7 August 2015

List of Publications of D .C. S. RAJU as Google Scholar

The following list includes full citation of  papers, brochures, book-reviews, articles on science, history, news, talks at seminars and meetings etc to facilitate further research :-

1. Wild Flowers of Assam and their horticultural value
D.C.S.Raju -5th annual session of Assam Science Society 1959.
P 8-9, Abstracts of original papers and symposia,Dec 1959.The paper lists 240 species of ornamental value based on survey of floristic wealth of evergreen,montane and tropical vegetation of Assam and Khasi hills.Over hundred key elements were displayed  during Evergreen symposium chaired by Sri Rao, and slide show of wild flowers presented with JBS Haldane, Mrs H. Spurway, Dronamraju as participants.Native Magnolias, Orchids, Rhododendrons, Gesneriads, and Primulas are highlights.

2. Vegetation of Gandhamardan hills
D.C.S.Eaju & G.Panigrahi - Bull.Int .Soc.Trop.Ecol. 1 : 21-22.1960

3. Ecological aspects of nature conservation in Khasi Hills of Assam
D.C.S.Raju - 30th annual session of National Academy of Sciences,Allahabad 1961
P 3, Abstracts of Symposium on Ecological problems in the Tropics,Feb 1961
The paper focuses (1) preliminary studies on sacred groves, pine forests and grasslands (2)landuse at Nong Poh for introduction of Eucalyptus, Cacao and Coffea plantations,(3)Eradication of Eupatorium sp. (4) Ecology of sphagnum bogs and Nepenthes khasiana habitat near Jowai and (5) study of climatic formation.Progress of work indicates (a)climatic control of vegetation at Cherrapunjee, (b) edaphic control at Mawphlang-Shillong (c) biotic control in Umsaw-Barapani areas as ecological aspects for nature conservancy.
Prof N.R.Dhar,Sheila Dhar Institute of Soil Science, Prof.J.H.Davis, University of Florida. Gainesville and Dr H.G.Champion. FAO, Bangkok, Thailand have participated in the symposium.

4. Enumeration of Indian Flowering Plants V
D.C.S.Raju - Bull.Bot.Surv.India  3: 352-353,1961
Magnoliaceae, Illiciaceae, Schisandraceae, Eupteleaceae and Tetracentraceae were enumerated  in the series authored by S.K.Mukerjee, Keeper of Central National Herbarium. The worldwide collections of these families were examined at Kew and BMNH and also consulted Dr. J.E. Dandy and Dr A.C.Smith, Visitor at Kew in 1971

5. Botanical observations in Balimela dam area, Koraput, Orissa
D.C.S.Raju - Bull. Bot.Surv.Ind. 6 : 287-294,1964

6. Pteridophytes of Godavari region, Andhrapradesh
D.C.S.Raju-Bull.Bot. Surv.Ind.-6 : 189-194, 1964

7. A contribution to the Botany of Orissa
D.C.S.Raju, G.Panigrahi, G.K.Deka - Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind.6 ; 237-266, 1964

8. Plants of Papi Hills,Andhrapradesh
D.C.S.Raju - Ind. For. 92 : 482-492, 1966

9. Family Cyperaceae in Bhutan
D.C.S.Raju - Materials for Flora of Bhutan, Magnoliales and Cyperaceae
Government of India aided project on Flora of Bhutan was undertaken by Botanical Survey, explorations by CNH, identifications by Botanists but finally enumerations by individual authors of families to publish as Materials for Flora of Bhutan by Director, Botanical Survey of India

10. Vegetation of Polavaram Agency tracts, Andhrapradesh
D.C.S.Raju -Trop.Ecol. 7 : 114-124,1968

11. Short note on Gynura crepidioides in India
D.C.S.Raju- Trop.Ecol. 7 : 171-173, 1969

12. Nomenclatural notes on few plants of Rubiaceae
D.C.S.Raju - Sci. Cult. 32 :551, 1966

13. Notes on Lippia,Aloysia and Phyla in India
D.C.S.Raju - Bull.Bot.Soc.Beng. 23 : 69-70, 1969

14. Ecological note on Nervilia crispata (Bl) Schltr
D.C.S.Raju - Ind.For. 97 : 452,1969

15. Studies on the Flora of Sacred Groves near Shillong
D.C.S.Raju - .Assam Sci.Soc. 7 : 21-30.1964

16. Magnolias of Assam and Sikkim Himalayas
D.C.S.Raju - Journal Assam Science Soc. 8 :1-4, 1965
The genus Magnolia Linn.(1735) in India includes Magnolia campbelli, M. globosa, M. grffithii, M. gustavi and M. pterocarpa. All are native to Assam valley and submontane Sikkim. Magnolia pterocarpa Roxb, Cor.Pl. 3;62,t266,1820 is not at all from Coromandel but of Assam cultivated in HBC with Wallich 975 which is near doctors qrs .Calcutta to Cape Comorin is broad definition of Roxburg who worked at Samalkota on Coromandel Plants.

17. Enumeration of Indian species of Hippocrateaceae
D.C.S.Raju - Journal Biol.Sci.Bombay 8: 55-59,1965
Hippocrateaceae De Jussieu includes Loesneriella A.C.Smith, Reissantia Halle, and Salacia Linn. in India with 23 species. Loesneriella bourdillonii (Gamble) D.C.S.Raju comb. nov; Reissantia arborea (Roxb.) D.C.S.Raju comb.nov. and Salacia nicobarica (Kurz) D.C.S.Raju comb. nov. along with Isolectotypes and name changes effected for all taxa are mentioned in the paper with key to genera.

18. The genus Siphonodon Griff. in India
D.C.S.Raju - J.Biol Sci.Bombay 8:24-27,1965
Siphonodon celastrineus Griff, is included in Siphonodontaceae by G.H.M.Lawrence

19. Notes on Helminthostachys zeylanica (Linn.)Hook.
D.C.S.Raju - J.Beng.Nat.Hist.Soc. 33: 225-227, 1965
Locally known as Ekladikia in Eastern India this pteridophyte is a medicinal herb.

20. Vegetation of West Godavari,A study of Tropical Delta
D.C.S.Raju - Symposium on Recent Advances in Tropical Ecology, Varanasi 348-458,1966

21. Excursion Flora of Simhachalam Hill D.C.S.Raju - 1966 22. Rhododendron keysii Nutt. in India
D.C.S.Raju - Science and Culture 33:1967
An interesting plant collected by J.C.White from Sikkim Himalayas with fruits was identified and described as Rhododndron keysii as flowering specimen is type and fruits described here now.

22. Rhododendron keysii Nutt. in India
D.C.S.Raju-Science and Culture 33:1967
An interesting plant collected by J.C.White from Sikkim Himalayas with fruits was identified and described as Rhododndron keysii as flowering specimen is type and fruits described here now.

23. Iphigenia Kunth, nom.cons(Liliaceae)
D.C.S.Raju & C.R.Babu - Taxon 18 (6):733-34. 1969

24. History and importance of Indian Herbarium
D.C.S.Raju - Seminar presentation at Botany dept of Reading University in 1971 After visiting Kew, BMNH, Imperial College of Forestry,Oxford , Linnean Society, India Office and subsequently finding over 10000 specimens sent by J D Hooker to Calcutta for incorporation were critically examined only in 1975 by D.C.S.Raju to record oldest collections since time of Edward Bulkely (1698) -A special article on the subject is more appropriate in the light of Burkills History

25. Soya Bean - (Glycine max Linn) An ideal food
D.C.S.Raju - Vijnan Patrika (Telugu) 71, 1975 published by American Telugu Association.

26.Plants of Visakhapatnam -Book Review
D.C.S.Raju - Science Reporter Feb p100, 1975
Flora of Visakhapatnam, by J.Venkateswarlu & P.V.Bhairavamurty, published by Andhrapradesh Akademi of Sciences, Hyderabad, 1972, Pp 260. This port city on Coromandel Coast, where Patrick Russel resided, visited by Koenig, Roxburgh, Lushington and Elliot, Wight et al and the garden now part of botany dept. is historical and this manual with keys for identifying 530 species is useful. A few interesting plants viz Tragus biflorus, Cyperus arenarius, Arthrocnemum indicum are missing. Simhachalam Hill- a pocket with many genetic resources is now part of Greater Visakha and a revised manual with color photos is needed as Google Book.

27. Flora of Hassan-Book Review
D.C.S.Raju - Science Reporter,April,p271-72, 1977
A district flora by C.J.Saldanha and D.H.Nicolson as editors vii+915 pp with few taxonomic errors.

28. West Bengal Forests - A Century
D.C.S.Raju - Science Reporter,1964
The special volume edited by Sri K.L. Lahiri IFS, Chief Conservator of Forests contains good articles on History of Forestry, Ancient forest divisions of India in epics, mangroves, sylviculture, plantation of tea, rubber, teak, cinchona, coffee, bamboo etc. Every botanist and forester must read this volume. Hugh Cleghorn the first IGF in Madras wrote a book on The Forests and Gardens of South India and visited Padua, Italy before returning to England. VSRao mentions about trial of Giant Sequoia tree in Darjeeling area which inspired the reviewer too but with no success.Only few copies of this book were circulated as souvenir volume.(copy with CSIR-Editor Science Reporter 1968)

29. Bicentenary of Carl Von Linnaeus - Botanical Survey of India, Howrah
pp 6 Brochure designed with text and 3 ill.and list of 21 works of Linnaeus by D.C.S.Raju-1978
Published by Director,BSI,P.O.Botanic Garden ,Howrah-9 Accessible as Google Docs by Datla CS Raju as Carl Von Linnaeus-Bicentenary

30. On a collection of plants from Garo Hills in Assam
D.C.S.Raju, R.B.Ghosh and D.K.Banerjee-Ind.For.1978
T.D.Srinivasan explored Garo hills and died in field. His collections were identified and added to CNH.

31. Plants of Nehru Zoological Park, Hyderabad - Andhrapradesh
D.C.S.Raju - Symposium on Floristics in Peninsular India,Abstracts,p22.1978
The full paper based on many visits with children and personal collection of some 200 species of angiosperms is enumerated.As this park is now close to Deccan Circle ,BSI and a set of Flora of Andhra is at Aranyabhavan it is under preparation as a Google Docs  

32. In Memorium-G.H.M. Lawrence
D.C.S.Raju & M.P.Nayar-Bull. Bot.Surv.Ind. 21 : 245-47, 1979
Author of Taxonomy of Vascular Plants is not only teacher of many Indian students but our good friend who organised Linnean Exhibition in USA and helped us personally with many photographs of Linne. Dr Cramer, Biohistoric Museum, Utrecht sent  many likenesses of makers of Indian Botany to Dr. Raju.

33. Degree Square Refernce System for Plant records in India
D.C.S.Raju & M.P.Nayar - Symposium on Ecosystems,Waltair,Abstracts p.67, 1979
The full paper in mss is ahead of its time.Under digitisation for use with remote sensing etc.

34. Linnaeus-Bicentenary at Calicut University,23 rd June 1979
D.C.S.Raju -Text of address at the meeting chaired by Dr Purushottaman,Vice Chancellor
This prepared talk briefly mentions botanical history of Malabar, cultivation of Kerala Banana in Dutch Garden of Clifford, naming of Indian plants by Linnaeus in Species Plantarum, and many contributions of Linne as true scientist.As Linne studied wild rye(Elymus) did plant inroduction on ecological basis, cured cancers, cultured pearls, talked of solar energy besides classification of diseases and also scientists of the world in his books displayed as exhibits all naturalists are advised to emulate spirit of Linnaeus. A single Linnaean species can play key role in foodchain of any ecosystem as enunciated by Van Steenis and occurance of Hopea parviflora, a key dipterocarp element of monsoon forests of Asia right near Calicut University draws special attention. Prof Manilal thanked all participants and guests.
Now accessible as Google Docs with title Linnaeus-Malabar. by Datla CS Raju

35. Ethnobotanical aspects of Pigeon-Pea(Cajanus)
D.C.S.Raju - International Workshop on Pigeon-Pea, ICRISAT, 1980 Fullpaper is well quoted by agriculturists.

36. The genus Populus Himalayas(Salicaceae)
D.C.S.Raju & S.C.Agarwal - Ind.Bot. Conf, 1980
The genus Populus India is represented by Populus alba L., P. ciliata Wall., P. euphratica Oliver, P. gamblei Dode P. glauca Haines, P. pamirica Kom. and P. rotundifolia Griff. Taxonomy, distribution, key to species and morphology of cuticular features are given. P. glauca Haines has bisexual flowers in a family with unisexul fls. Pp 11 full text prepared at BMNH London as a project with guidance of Mr Williams and  Dr Stearn is impotant in the light of Poplar Commission to India. Mss submitted for publication in Ind. J. Bot Hyderabd - 4.(Full paper will be made available as a Google Docs)

37. Bheemunipatnam and its future
D.C.S.Raju - Andhrapradesh, (Telugu ) April-23-25, 1977
An old Dutch port town of Coromandel Coast with an old church, jute mills  of George Ripley, and defunct  King George Coronation Garden of 1917 and 300 yrs of history are relics of glory.

38. Endemic and rare plants of Eastern Ghats
D.C.S.Raju,M.Ahmedullah, M.P.Nayar - Ind.J.For.7(1);35-42,1984

39. Plant Diversity in  Eastern Ghats Of India
D.C.S.Raju & M.Sanjappa - 40 pp +8 photographs-Mss sent to D.O.En in 1984.
The Mss in 1.4 mb diskette was contributed to EPTRI, Maitrivanam for inclusion in ENVIS as Vegetation of Eastern Ghats without any change. Sri D.C.S.Raju, is Member of Envis Coordination Committee with Sri Trisha Chatterjee, IAS ,as Director of EPTRI, Hyderabad. Sri.Rajamani, IAS initiated work on Sacred Groves in Andhrapradesh for completion and publication of a booklet.
Dr M.Sanjappa, FNA,Director, Botanical Survey of India successfully implemented the long pending scheme by opening Deccan Circle of Botanical Survey of India, Hyderabad with presence of Prof. H.YMohanram, Prof.R.S.Rao, Sri D.C.S.Raju, Sri R.Rajamani IAS, and Dr P.Venu Scientist-in- Charge to continue the works of pioneers J.G.Koenig (Pupil of Linnaeus), William Roxburgh, Benjamin Heyne, Robert Wight, Hugh Cleghorn, Ronald Ross who left their foot prints in Indian History.

40. The dwindling flora of Andhrapradesh - a call for conservation.
D.C.S.Raju & M.Ahmedullah - Ind. J.For.1986

41. Himalyan Giant Lily(Cardiocrinum giganteum(Wall.)Makino -A Wallichian Taxon

D.C.S.Raju & S.Singh - Himal Pl J---1986

42. World Environment Day in Sikkim 1986
D.C.S.Raju - Invitation to Chief Justice Sri Mohanty, Advocate General Sri V.Jagannatharao, President  CGEC, All heads of depts , Schoolchildren, Invitees to BSI at Baluakhani, Gangtok.

43. Plants of the Residency Garden, Rajbhavan - Gangtok
D.C.S.Raju - A cheklist of plants labelled in the Rajabhavan Complex, 1988
Originally planned and built for J.C.White, Administrator and Advisor of Chogyal, it is located just above BSI complex and on the top of hill with full view of Kanchenjunga range.HEH Rajeswar Mudaliar, IPS who explored North Sikkim like JC White has keen interest in plants and so botanical names on plates of permanent nature were provided as the residency completed a century .

44. Sacred Groves of Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju - Indian Sci.Cong -1986
This paper 6 pp in cyclostyled format with full text dealing with history,geography, 67 monasteries in the smallest state of India covering one sq degree viz 27E 88N with richest flora and highest living forms of life recorded by Hooker has been resurveyed by Raju and his parties from 1985. Vegetation of the area with key components, economic and medicinal plants in sacred groves are described with important references on the subject of Sacred Groves in India for conservation.. D.C.S.Raju continued  work in Andhrapradesh as part of ENVIS project .

45. Plants of Teen Murti Bhavan,New Delhi
D.C.S.Raju, M.P.Nayar, R.B.Bose & V.S.Agarwal - Bot.Surv.Ind  20pp,1985
Smt Indira Gandhi desired that World Environment Day should be observed at Teen Murti Bhavan with all plants labelled and more interesting and rare plants of India added to the conservatory where Pandit Nehru used to spend with children.D.C.S.Raju surveyed the campus, introduced  The Red Sanders, Cycad from Tirupati hills and many orchids, ferns, medicinal plants, saplings of Tea, Coffee, Pitcher plant, Slipper Orchids for display during the tenure of Rajeev Gandhi as Prime Minister. Sri H.Y.Sarada Prasad and Prof.H.Y.Mohan Ram made suggestions to make the booklet as bilingual and for free distribution.

46. Jawahrlal Nehru Botanical Garden,Rumtek,Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju, M.P.Nayar, B.Krishna & S.Singh - P1-4, 1987
An area of 150 acre forest adjoing to Rumtek Monastery was demarcated, 4km bridle path laid and glasshouse for orchids and hut for tourism etc built and opened on World Environment Day by the Governor. Over 40 tree species, shrubs, epiphytes, orchids, filmy ferns, club-mosses labelled by BSI to make the garden educative. Brief note on the Oak-Michelia-Schima community with interesting Rani Champ (Michelia velutina DC), Persea gammieana, Dappniphyllum himalayens, Gynocordia odorata, Daphne bholua, Edgeworthia gardneri as conspicuous elements highlight this garden as Hookers camp 140 yrs ago. Native avocado and  Camellia kissi in Sichey basty and Podocarpus nerifolius on steep slopes exemplify conservation status of this Garden. American Avocado can be introduced in Gangtok area. Rani Champ is employed in traditional furniture making - is on the first page of the brochure.

47. Rhododendrons of Sikkim Himalaya
D.C.S.Raju - Abstracts  Botanical Conference at Chennai 1987
Full paper accounting for 42 species of Rhododendron with keys and presentation with over 100 color slides was the attraction and Prof YS Murty ,Secy of IBS who worked on American Azaleas joined in field tours to Yakchey to study floral morphology for next two years.Dr M.Sanjappa who also joined two expeditions has followed Dr Cullens classification of Rhododendron free from horticultural names etc to revise work of Hooker after jointly paying tributes at Tsolamo lake in the company of Prof Virendrakumar and Dr Satish also working on Rhododendrons and Orchids of Himalayas.Dr B.D.Sharma also visited Yumthang Valley in 1990 and proposed revision of Ericaceae and Vacciniaceae  by D.C.S.Raju. and with Sri ARK Sastry and P.K.Hajra with their experience B Rhododendrons in Arunachal and Meghalaya as collaborators.Mss on Ericaceae and also on Agapetes and Vaccinium  of Vacciniaceae are with Raju who retired as Head of National Herbarium in 1994 Sri H.Basnet,Addl PCCF,govt of Sikkim also initiated work on Rhododendron sanctuaries for which some images were supplied , brochures were edited with slide support to Usha  Ganguly Lachungpa,

48. Science of Plants in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju - Text of Talk on National Science Day at White  Hall, Gangtok , 1987
A cyclostyled full paper of 7 pages with introduction,scientific survey of  Sikkim.Botanical studies in Sikkim,Vegetation,genetic resources followed by references to 20 important works were given.This paper is of strategic importance as the author organised best library on Himalayas,made provision for high altitude studies, Computerised data bases,new Botanical Survey Office complex just below Residency Garden of Rajbhavan with fine view of Kanchenjunga. Photographs of JD Hooker and Dr Janaki Ammal,the Chief Botanist of revived Botanical Survey and co-author of Chromosome Atlas of the World were kept here by D.C.S.Raju who explored in the tracks of J.D.Hooker- Campbell,JCWhite,King &Pantling,  Smith&Cave,and Biswas and Sengupta,Rolla and Bruhl. Mr Halder and Sil are the two  aged mountaineers who inspired Raju and Sanjappa to undertake expedition to camp at Tsolamo Lake. Two ladies Mrs Pradhan and Usha Lachungpa accompanied to study fishes and wild life at high altitude.Dr Satish and Dr Biju of Palode also carried further studies on Orchids and Frogs whereas Prof PR Mohan Rao,Prof Y.S.Murty and Prof Virendrakumar made special studies on Orchids and Rhodendron besides the work of Dr Suleman on Himalayan Poppies to justify the challenges taken by D.C.S.Raju in an unique environment .As Dr David Lang,the Orchidologist could make a visit to Lonak Valley in 89 a team of plant geneticists must come forward to unravel many facts of life on this Good Earth.Sikkim is now open and so also science in service of mankind. Zemu and Llonak valleys are last visited by WW smith and GH Cave

49. Less-Known Edible Plants of Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju - Economic Plants and Microbes, Today&Tomorrow, 83-86,1990 

50. Saramsa Orchid Sanctuary, Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju, S.T.Lachungpa & B.Krishna - Bull.Bot.Sutv.Ind. 30 : 102-107,1990

51. Systematic survey of Legumes of Andhrapradesh
D.C.S.Raju, P.Satyanarayana & K.Thothatri - J.Econ.Tax. 4 : 133-137,1987

52. Genetic potential in the flora of Eastern Ghats
D.C.S.Raju, M.Ahmedullah & M.P.Nayar - J.Eco.Tax 9 : 13-  ,1987 

53. Vegetational wealth of Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & T.V.Subba Rao - J.Hill Res. 1 : 20-28, 1988

54. Yams (Dioscorea Linn) in Sikkim
D.C.S.raju, B.Mitra and B.Krishna - J.Hill Res. 1 : 67-72, 1988

55. Sikkim Himalayan Cicrcle, Bot.Surv.India - A decade
D.C.S.Raju - News Letter, Sikkim Science Soc. 4-5,1989

56. Large Cardomum (Amomum Linn) and its relatives in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju and S.Kumar - J. Hill.Res. 2 : 102-107, 1989

57. Deorali Orchid Sanctuary
D.C.S.Raju, T.Lachungpa, B.Krishna - Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind. 29 : 253-271, 1990

58. Satyrium ciliatum Lindl. a less- known useful orchid of Sikkim Himalaya

D.C.S.Raju & R.C.Srivastava - Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.Ind 60: 477-78, 1990

59. Houttuyunia cordata Thunb. (Hillejhar) in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & N.R.Mondal - J.Hill.Res. 3: 120-122, 1990
Included in Piperales the genus is now treated under Houttyuniaceae with single species.

60. Picrorhiza scrophularifolia (Katuki) in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & R.C.Srivastava- J.Hill.Res. 3 : 123-26,1990

61. Lal Chandan(Daphniphyllaceae) in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & R.C.Srivastava - Himal.Pl.J.613-14,1990

62. Phytolacca acinosa (Phytolaccaceae) in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & R.C.Srivastava - Himal.Pl.J. 1990

63. Stachyuraceae
D.C.S.Raju & S.Singh - Flora of India Fascicle 20: 1990
Monotypic genus with Stachyurus himalaicus Hook.f occurring in Kabi sacred grove north of Gangtok.

64. Indian Medicinal Plants
G.V.Satyavati & A.K.Gupta- Mrdicinal Plants of India-I.C.M.R. 1987
Over 100 color slides of Indian Medicinal Plants correctly labelled with valid latin names along with notes on habitat of species concerned were supplied to help revision of two volumes .Dr.D,C.S.Raju was duly acknowledged in the preface for 16 images.Over 50 transparencies of very rare collections from Sikkim are meant for 3rd volume of ICMR.

65. National Tree,National Flower,State Trees and Flowers of India
D.C.S.Raju,B.D.Sharma &R.C.Srivastava - Vanspati Vani (Hindi) 1991
With a note on Ficus religiosa Linn.(Peepal Tree) and Nelumbo nucifera Linn (Sacred Lotus) for spl reasons known to S.K.Jain and D.C.S.Raju, a telegraphic message was sent to DrTN Khoshoo, Secy to Govt.DoEn to adopt the above as National Tree and Flower by Govt of India. A list of trees and flowers drawn up with reasons and discussed by Jain, Raju and Nayar was also forwarded as official document to Ministry.The handwritten mss is with D.C.S.Raju that includes alternatives but selection is based on  various criteria  besides ecological and ethnobotanical aspects of Indian Heritage.

66. Holboellia (Family- Lardizabalaceae) in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & R.C.srivastava - J.Hill Res. 3 : 127-130, 1990
Holboellia latifolia Wall. and Decaisnea insignis (Griff.) Hook.f  have edible fruits.

67. Papri(Podophyllum hexandrum Royle) a less-known edible fruit in Sikkim.
D.C.S.Raju - J.Hill.Res, 3 : 176-78, 1990

68. "Ma Niao Pao"(Przewalskia tangutica Maxim.) in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju,M.Sanjappa & S.Singh -J.Hill Res. 3 : 131-134, 1990
Found in the alpine meadow near Gurdungmar lake both Przewalskia and Physochlaena are very high altitude plants of Tibet. In Chinese medicine P. tangutica has same alkaloids like hyoscine, anisodineetc and reported to relieve pain, swellings, spasms etc like Withania somnifera in Ayurveda.

69. Centenary of Botanical Survey of India (1890-1990)-Souvenir Volume
Conservation through Plant Survey and Research -published by Director,Pp 34,Calcutta,1990.
D.C.Raju, R.R.Rao, M.Sanjappa -Text, Photos, List etc prepared  and edited by the trio at Lake Rd. Mrs Maneka Gandhi released the souvenir at Indian Botanic Garden after opening a new glass-house;
Dr M.P.Nayar, retired as Director and Dr B.D.Sharma, Director-in-Charge organised the function with cooperation of all Senior Botanists to make this event a success.

70. Ginger and its allies(Zingiberaceae) in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & S.Kumar -J.Ind.For 249-255,1991

71. Rhynchosia beddomei Baker (Fabaceae)
D.C.S.Raju,M.P.Nayar & M.Ahmedullah - Bull.Bot .Surv.Ind 1987

72. Nikolai Vavilov - Birth Centenary 
N.Balaraman et D.C.S.Raju - Sikkim Sci.Soc Newslr-6(4): 27.1987

73. Some additions to Orchid Flora of Orissa
D.C.S.Raju, O.P.Misra & S.C.Misra - JBNHS 1992

74. Family Alangiaceae in Sikkim
D.C.S.Raju & R.C.Srivastava -J.Nat.Bot.Soc.46:41-42 ,1992
A key to identify Alangium alpinum and A. chinensis found in Himalayas with taxonomy and description, uses etc  are given in the paper.

75. Col. Robert Kyd-Bicentenary
D.C.S.Raju -Address of Chairman of the Meeting on 31st May 1993

76. Plant genetic resources of Sikkim Himalayas
D.C.S.Raju & M.Sanjappa -Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind.-36 : 218-222,1994

77. Sesbania roxburghii - a less-known fodder plant
D.C.S.Raju & G.V.S..Murty -Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind. 36 : 223.224,1994

78. Careya Roxb. in India
D.C.S.Raju & Manna - Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind. 36 : 225-227,1994

79. Carrion Flowers (Caralluma umbellata Roxb.) of Coromandel
D.C.S.Raju & Debika Mitra. Bull.Bot.Surv.Ind. 36 ; 228-229. 1994

80. Illiciaceae
D.C.S,Raju & R.R.Rao -Flora of India 1 : 164-187,1993

81. Schisandraceae
D.C.S.Raju & R.R.Rao - Flora of India 1 : 188-196,1993
Mss for entire Magnoliaceae sensu lato without illustrations was with Dr M.P.Nayar, Director as D.C.S.Raju.Regional Botanist-CNH not only revised the families but also consulted A.C.Smith at Kew as Raju also studied Hippocrateaceae  to sort out type materials. Dedication of the volume itself is false and fictitious as Robert Kyd died on 26th May 1993, Roxburgh moved from Samalkota in November 93 and lived at Sudder Street, built Kyd Monument and Residential cum Office building in 1795 now called as Roxburgh House without Herbarium for many years. D.C.S.Raju  however chaired the meeting on 31st May 1993 to observe  the Bicentenary of Robert Kyd after placing Garland of flowers at Kyd Monument and speaking on the occasion as per official programme.Another deviation of date due to ignorance of colleagues in search of green pastures!

82. Eupteleaceae
D.C.S.Raju. -Flora of India 1 : 200-201,1993

83. Magnoliaceae
D.C.S.Raju -Flora of India 1 : 163-183, 1993

84. The Eastern Ghats-Vegetation in Tropical Dry Deciduous  Forests of Eastern Ghats
D.C.S.Raju - EPTRI-ENVIS News Letter 1(2)8-9,1996

85. The Eastern Ghats-Forest types in Eastern Ghats-II Tropical Moist deciduous Forests
D.C.S.Raju- & M.Sanjappa(ms 40pp) -EPTRI-ENVIS News Letter 2(1)2-3.1997

86. Endemic Taxa in the Eastern Ghats of Andhrapradesh
D.C.S.Raju & M.Sanjappa -EPTRI-ENVIS News Letter 2(1) 3,1997 

87. Medicinal plants of Eastern Ghats
D.C.S.Raju -EPTRI-ENVIS,News Letter 3(1) 10-14,1998 

88. Sacred Groves of Andhrapradesh 
Member Steering Committe,EPTRI-ENVIS, Universities participated in the survey of over 50 sites and checklists of plants edited by committee to publish a booklet.

89. Science Reporter-CSIR
popular articles on (1) Bel (Aegle marmelos) (2) Garlic (Allium sativum) (3 )Alafalafa (Medicago sativa) (4) Methi (Trigonella foenun -garecum) (5) Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) were published during 1964-66. with request from Sri C.B.Sharma,Editor.

90. Bischofiaceae
D.C.S.Raju & N.R.Mondal  -mss 3pp for Flora of India..

91. Himalayan Hermit Orchid
D.C.S.Raju -Status report on Corybas himalaica Hook.f 

92. Indian Ginseng for in situ Conservation.
D.C.S,Raju - Panax pseudoginseng Wall in Sikkim  1987.
A full description,color slide showing the fruits, habitat near Yumthang under Hemlock forest, plant showing 15 annual growth rings is in restricted area to consider it as hot spot near Yumthang

93. Diplomeris hirsuta D,Don(Snow Orchid of sikkim)
D.C.S.Raju -1986(J.Hill.Res.)
A ground orchid with white flowers is found on rocky slopes with dripping water close to Coronation Bridge on  Tista in West Bengal and also another population near Phodamchen monastery near Mangan, North Sikkim.This plant is well illustrated in King and Pantling- Orchids of Sikkim Himalaya.

94. Himalayan Lady-Slipper Orchid of Sikkim 
D.C.S.Raju & M.Sanjappa-1987
Thanggu  is the famous camp visited by WW.Smith , JC Sengupta and KP Biswas over a half century ago.D.C.S.Raju & M.Sanjappa climbed up the steep slope towards Momay Samdong leading to Donkia La.Not only Chuka (Rheum nobile)  is common here but also Blue Poppy,edible Podophyllum and most interestingHimalayan Lady- Slipper Orchid just at one spot  which was never visited again ensuring in situ conservation of this endangered species. (Color photo 1990 )

95. Wallichia - A Rare palm.
D.C.S.Raju-Science of plants in Sikkim 1988
 A tropical palm in shady undergrowth just few kilometres away from railway bridge was introduced near CPWD Rest House,Gangtok but did not survive.As the genus has only two species it should be conserved in Botanic Garden at Howrah.

96. Sikkim Himalayan Saga
P.BChakravarty -A Botanists Herculean Task in Sikkim Himalaya -Sikkim Herald News 1987

97. Conference on Plant Research ,Vanitha Mahavidyalaya,Hyderabad.1996
D.C.S.Raju -Member of Panel Committe spoke about Keynote address by Prof T.N.Khoshoo, former Secretary Dept of Environment and activities of Botanical Survey during 1983-88.
As Tata Consultancy Services and Indo American Seeds which are represented by Dr Khoshoo and Dr Singh with definite strategies like East India Company Garden and Botanical Survey of colonial past have used human resources  properly  for land-use.When Dr Khoshho could not get 35 photographs of less-known very useful plants from any Government agency D.C.S.Raju came to his rescue with slides including one of Solanum viarum Dunal cultivated in Farms of BE in Hyderabad.This is an example to show Poverty of Intellectualism in Science of Plants.Prof Bir Bahadur,a plant geneticist at heart pointed out that India needs scientists with strategic intelligence to carry the torch of Robert Kyd , Sir George King and Ronald Ross.

(…......... some more titles to be added later)

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